Artist Olga Pavlova sets up personal exhibit

An exhibition of works by painter Olga Pavlova was opened on Friday, January 9, at the office of the OSCE Mission in Moldova. The exhibition includes 47 paintings. Most of them have been created during the past year, Info-Prim Neo reports. A graduate of the Faculty of Plastic Arts and Design of Ion Creanga University, the artist could choose a career in design. "Yet, I chose the painting because I have a passionate nature, while the design requires a cool and balanced mind,” Pavlova said. The artist considers that the creator of works of art must not necessarily aim to convey a message as the work of art is the result of inspiration. "It is impossible to start work having a clear though of the work. The good works appear ... spontaneously,” the painter said. Artist Ala Uvarov said that from compositional viewpoint, the exhibited works follow a decorative, ornamental model, but hide serious readings and intellectual preoccupations in their simplicity. "Though they seem simple, these works are the product of deep studies. We have motifs from eastern philosophies, western mythology and even own leitmotifs like the dragon fly,” Uvarov said. The exhibition will be open to the public for a month. The exhibited works can be purchased for 550 to 3,500 lei. Pavlova’s paintings form part of private collections and are exhibited in museums and galleries in the United, States, France, Italy, Germany, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Hungary, Ireland, Uzbekistan, Austria, Greece, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and Moldova.

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