Preventive archaeological research has begun at the Red Mill monument in the capital. According to the Chisinau City Hall, the purpose of the research is to study the archaeological remains that could be affected by the restoration or partial or total reconstruction of the monument, IPN reports.
The municipal authorities announced last year that the Red Mill, one of the first steam mills in the capital and which has been lying in disrepair for several years, would be restored.
This stage is part of the action plan of the Interreg project "NONA", managed by the General Directorate of Architecture, Urban Planning and Land Relations, and is being carried out in collaboration with the State Pedagogical University "Ion Creanga" and the National Archaeological Agency. The research is being carried out under authorization.
The project also includes topographic surveying and photogrammetric work, which involves taking detailed images of the monument and creating a 3D model of it.
The NONA project is funded by the European Union through the Interreg Danube Region Program.
The building of the former steam mill, colloquially known as the "Red Mill" is an architectural monument of local value, located on the street of the same name in Chisinau.