[{The April 7 protests that resulted in acts of violence, including clashes between the protesters and the police, human victims and destruction of the buildings of the Parliament and the Presidential Office, constituted the most prominent evens this year and, perhaps, one of the rarest and memorable events in Moldova’s period of independence.
Paradoxically, the events were not treated as such by the political class and the society. The survey on the April 7 events initiated by the news agency Info-Prim Neo among leaders of political parties of different orientations and of the civil society aims to diagnose the quality of Moldova’s Independence at its 18th anniversary and of the society in general and to find answers to the question “what should we do next?”
This time, the questions are answered by the Marian Lupu, the president of the Democratic Party of Moldova.}]
[– What did the April 7 events represent for Moldova’s Independence: an occurrence or a phenomenon?]
– The April 7 events bear no relation to Moldova’s Independence. They represent rather a great tragedy, a classical situation when a part of the people are revolted, another part are arrogant and supercilious, while in the middle there are profiteers and provokers that are always ready to adjust their behavior to the situation, in the background of a false democracy.
[– Why the violent clashes, acts of vandalism, human victims and other blamable conducts could not be avoided?]
– We will know the answer to this question only when we find out who in fact staged the April events and what goals they pursued. It seems to me that no party wanted to abandon these instruments. Each of them showed their force when they could.
[– Why the causes of these events weren’t probed and the results weren’t published even five months afterward?]
– I insisted on a moratorium on this subject at least during the electoral period or until an expert inquiry involving foreign experts makes its conclusions public. Unfortunately, the April 7 events are used by the political opponents as arguments without having conclusive proofs. This is dangerous because the truth is permanently fueled by rumors, false statements and interpretations. This will undoubtedly complicate this process. The investigation should not be hastened. But the time should also not be the enemy of the truth. Probably, the results do not suit those that must make them known.
[– Can you draw an analogy between the April 7 events and some other historical events?]
– Until the investigation is completed and the persons to blame are identified and their aims are clarified we cannot compare the April 7 events with some other events as we will draw false analogies. We should have respect for the historical events. We do not need political interpretations in this case, but a historical, legal and politological verdict.
[– What lessons the independent Moldovan should learn from the April 7 events?]
– I hope that many people realize what danger the phenomenon of false democratization poses. Jean Paul said that the presence of freedom brings less joy than the pain caused by its lack. The April 7 events showed that Moldova needs a balance of powers in the state and a healthy political competition. A great lesson that we all must lean is that everyone is equal in front of the law.