Approximately one in ten households reports low food consumption, with a higher percentage among female-headed households and those with at least one vulnerable member. Financial assistance, food, medicine, and healthcare are the primary needs of households in Moldova, according to a survey conducted by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in collaboration with the World Food Programme, IPN reports.
The survey, based on interviews conducted from June 3 to June 28, 2024, analyzes the main socio-demographic characteristics of the general population in the Republic of Moldova, focusing on food security, employment, key needs, as well as social cohesion and mobility intentions.
Approximately two out of five surveyed households indicated a deterioration in their standard of living compared to the same period in 2023, with the elderly population facing significantly higher vulnerability in this regard.
Improved living standards were most frequently reported by individuals aged 18 to 29, while a decline in living standards was most often indicated by middle-aged adults (30-59 years) and older adults (over 60 years).
According to the study, about half of the population is economically active, while the other half is part of the inactive population, which includes retirees, students, individuals on parental leave, the unemployed, and those not seeking employment.
Approximately one in ten people expressed the intention to move abroad, primarily for economic reasons. The most popular anticipated destination countries are Germany, Romania, the Russian Federation, and Italy.
Most of the population held a favorable view of intergroup relations within their communities and expressed satisfaction with the high levels of coexistence between individuals of different ethnic, religious, or linguistic backgrounds.
The survey, titled “Assessment of Needs and Vulnerabilities of the General Population – Round 2”, is available online for consultation.