Applications for small-scale traffic permits can be filed from March 1

The Moldovan citizens can start submitting applications for being issued with small-scale traffic permits for Romania to the Romanian Consulate in Chisinau from Monday, March 1. The announcement was made by Moldovan Foreign Ministry's spokesman Valeriu Turea at a briefing on February 25, Info-Prim Neo reports. Under the Agreement on Small-Scale Border Traffic, the consulate of Romania will have to examine the application within 30 days and issue the permit within 60 days. The applicants must submit the identity card and the permit of stay for foreigners or the stateless person's' identity card that show that the person lives legally in the border area. Initially, the permits will be free of charge, but could be issued for payment from 2011, when Romania is set to join the Schengen Area. The permit is valid for two to five years. The permit holders can remain without the document if they travel further than 50 kilometers inland Romania. After Romania becomes a Schengen Area member, the culprits will be banned from crossing the border as well. Valeriu Turea also said the two general consulates of Romania in Balti and Cahul will be opened in the near future. They will also issue small-scale traffic permits. The Agreement on Small-Scale Border Traffic was signed in Bucharest in November last year and will come into force on February 26. Recently, Romanian Minister of the Interior Vasile Blaga said the first 350,000 small-scale traffic permits have been already printed.

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