Antonita Fonari gives ‘average’ grade to Government’s work during 100 days in office

The head of the NGO Council Antonita Fonari would give an ‘average’ grade to the work done by the Government during the first 100 days in office. According to her, there are areas of activity in which the Government made progress, but no headway was made in many others. Civil society should both put questions to the Government and should also appreciate the results achieved by this, IPN reports.

“Sometimes, the fact that the people see not only the holes in which we stepped, but also the holes that we discovered helps the Prime Ministers, any functionary and any of us, NGO member or journalist,” stated Antonita Fonari.

She noted that the cooperation with the Government, which was established when a number of cases of domestic violence were reported, is what gladdened her. “In that situation, I asked myself what should we do and why we cannot stop the phenomenon when we have so many organizations working in the field and thought that we need a law to better regulate this area. I thus went to the Government together with a number of organizations and we promoted that bill,” said Antonita Fonari.

She noted that this bill, which is designed to better regulate the prevention of domestic violence and violence against women, was supported by the Cabinet. It is to be submitted to Parliament for adoption.

According to the activist, it is not enough for the Government to work out good documents. The colleagues from Parliament should also consider the durability of the bills. “We must ponder why the actions taken inside the Government do not have an end result and durability. It is about cooperation and partnership between the state institutions and it is about how we, the people, demand particular things,” she stated.

In another development, Antonita Fonari said they expect results in the investigation into the theft of the US$1 billion committed in the banking system from the Government.

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