“Antimafie” accuses presidential adviser of traffic of influence

Presidential adviser Valentin Tambaliuc is accused of influencing the law enforcement bodies to close a kart club situated near his house. The leader of the People’s Movement “Antimafie” Sergiu Mocanu, in a news conference at IPN, presented the recording of a discussion between the presidential adviser and the president of the karts club, who are in litigation. The first told the latter that he will win the case in the Appeals Court.

In the recording, a person who, according to Sergiu Mocanu, is the presidential adviser, tells the other person, who is presumably the president of the kart club, that he cannot live when there is so much noise outside, caused by the karts by which children learn to drive, and that “Vanea Plesca” (Ion Plesca, the president of the Chisinau Appeals Court) will do him justice.

According to the leader of “Antimafie”, the presidential adviser earlier obtained two plots of land on which he built two houses. At that time, the kart club already worked.

Sergiu Mocanu also said that the club’s president lost the case in the Chisinau Appeals Court and closed his business in winter as the police confiscated his karts for a long period of time.

“In this case, the law enforcement bodies acted in the interests of Tambaliuc. By this case, I wanted to present the real face of Moldovan public functionaries who came to power only in order to exert influence and enrich themselves by exploiting the ordinary people,” stated Sergiu Mocanu. He gave the example of a neighbor of Tambaliuc, who does not have ‘cover’ in the law enforcement bodies. That man built a phonic isolation wall around his house and thus didn’t impinge on children’s interests.

Sergiu Mocanu promised he will reveal other wrongdoings committed by public functionaries.

  • sergiu mocanu despre caz.mp3
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