The Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) said the criminal case against three members of the so-called extremist group “Antifa”, who in 2014 prepared to stage mass disorders during the parliamentary election or immediately after them, was sent to court, IPN reports.
According to prosecutors, the members of the group pursued the goal of hampering the electoral process and destabilizing the situation immediately after the announcement of the election results by staging mass disorder accompanied by pogroms, destruction of property and putting up of violent resistance to the authorities.
As a result of searches at the homes of “Antifa” activists last November, prosecutors and officers of the General Police Inspectorate found a large quantity of arms and ammunition, including pistols, grenades, masks, military uniforms, as well as money.
One of the activists is also accused of traffic of influence as he promised to the partner of a participant in the robbery committed at METRO cash and carry last May to make sure that the charges against this will be dropped. Two of the suspects are accused of hindering a peaceful demonstration mounted on the occasion of the 94th anniversary of Beassarabia’s Union with Romania.
Two of the culprits are now under house arrest.