Anti-Chirtoaca referendum is an instrument of punishment, opinion

The referendum to dismiss the mayor general of Chisinau municipality Dorin Chirtoaca is an instrument for showing that there are punishment and consequences when someone breaks the law. The issue was developed in the talk show “Key issue” on NTV Moldova channel, IPN reports.

Civic activist Sergiu Ungureanu said the referendum should show that if someone breaks the law, this should be punished. “What happened in the capital city during these years is a violation and the one to blame should be punished. If these politicians return, they will set a negative precedent as the people will understand that the violation of the law is not punished,” stated Sergiu Ungureanu.

Chairman of the Socialist group on the Chisinau Municipal Council Ion Ceban noted that if Dorin Chirtoaca is not dismissed, he will return to the post of mayor. If he is dismissed by referendum, he will be unable to run for this post anymore. “If the dismissal takes place, new mayoral elections will most probably be held next spring,” he said.

The anti-Chirtoaca referendum will take place on November 19.

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