Andrian Candu: We want elections in Gagauzia to observe legislation

Chisinau follows attentively the situation in Gagauzia, without intervening in the electoral process that precedes the Government elections set for March 22, Head of Parliament Andrian Candu said in a meeting with the head of the People’s Assembly Dmitrii Constantinov and the Bashkan of Gagauzia Mihail Formuzal. “We want the elections in Gagauzia to take place in normal conditions and in accordance with the law,” he stated, IPN reports.

According to the Parliament’s press service, the officials discussed the socioeconomic and political situation in the region in the context of the campaign preceding the Governor elections. Andrian Candu noted that the authorities will respect the choice of the region’s residents and will cooperate with the future Bashkan of Gagauzia, regardless of his/her political affiliation.

Andrian Candu and Dmitrii Constantinov pleaded for restoring the constructive dialogue between Parliament and the People’s Assembly, including by creating a joint working group for adjusting the legislation. Candu said the constitution of this commission will facilitate the communication between the institutions, ensuring permanent and constructive cooperation between them, for the benefit of the region’s inhabitants and of the whole country.


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