Andrian Candu explains why September 6 was proposed for snap elections

The first vice president of the Democratic Party Andrian Candu explained why the date of September 6 was chosen for the eventual snap parliamentary polls. According to him, this is by law the time limit by which snap elections can be held. Also, they took into account the fact that the political parties should have time to get ready for such a poll, IPN reports.

“The minimum period is 60 days, while the maximum period is 90 days. So that there is no accusation or speculation, the maximum period of 90 days was taken so that all the parties and institutions have time to get ready for the parliamentary elections,” Andrian Candu stated in the talk show “Reply” on Prime TV channel.

Andrian Candu noted that under the law, no one should seize the power by force or keep it by force. “In this case, when there is an imbalance, the best player is the citizen and the best solution is to consult the one to whom the power belongs – the citizen. Under the Constitution, the citizens of Moldova hold power and decide who is right and who is wrong. They are the best referees,” he said.

Political commentator Anatol Țăranu stated the Constitutional Court is a big problem in Moldova. If the CC had had an irreproachable reputation in society, there would have been practically no problems and everyone would have complied with the Court’s judgments. No coup has been yet witnessed in Moldova. There will be a coup if there is a court hearing in this regard. “We are entering a deeper political crisis that could turn into a crisis with street violence,” he noted

The snap parliamentary elections are to be held on September 6. A decree to this effect was signed by Prime Minister Pavel Filip, who became interim President under a Constitutional Court ruling, on June 9.

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