Info-Prim Neo News Agency is carrying out an opinion poll on the settlement of the Transnistrian conflict among leaders of political parties, representatives of the civil society, and opinion shapers from both banks of the Nistru. The survey is aimed at finding out viewpoints that could contribute to the improvement of the present situation. All the participants were asked the same two questions. This time, the answers are given by Andrei Safonov, the editor-in-chief of newspaper Novaya Gazeta from Bender, the deputy president of the Foundation “Center for Human Rights in Transnistria”.
[- How can the dispute be solved in the opinion of the organization that you represent? In what way, through what mechanisms and during what terms is a settlement possible? ]
- As it is clear that even Russia is going to recognize the independence of the Transnistrian republic, while a unitary Moldova is a ghost of the early 90s, it is obvious the sides could reach consensus on a federal-confederal ground. Simply they are equal in power and support from abroad and cannot impose their conditions. Under these circumstances, solving the conflict is possible only on the basis of a cynic compromise among Russia, the USA, the EU and Ukraine: when these actors will share the geopolitical map of the South-East of the former Soviet Union (“you get this, I get this etc.), then they will be able to influence Chisinau and Tiraspol and will be able to make them make mutual cessions. Benevolently Moldova and Transnistria will not cede to each other, this is obvious. But, so far, Russia threats Ukraine it will have problems because of its Euro-Atlantic leaning, the USA quarrels with Moscow because of the missile shield, the EU has its own interests… It is difficult to find a common point in the Transnistrian issue, when the members of the 5+2 format fight at international level. The terms of the settlement depend but on the results of their geopolitical bargain, not on us.
[- How do you think, how efficient and relevant to the created situation are the steps taken by the administration of Moldova at present? When do you think the effort made by the authorities will begin to produce results and what results can we expect? ]
- The Moldovan leadership has a positive package of concrete proposals, but now it is needed to officially lay on the table a clear, joint draft agreement on sharing the functions between Transnistria and Moldova. It is clear one cannot talk about settling the situation on a unitary basis and on the basis of the 2005 Law. Little time is left to draft the plan, because all will go to vacations in July. It is not clear whether the Moldovan package has turned into something unitary or not. I don't rule out that, at the last moment, Russia will lay on the table its settlement plan, conventionally called “Kozak-2”.