Andrei Nastase sensitizes international organizations working in Moldova

The leader of the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth (PPPDA) Andrei Nastase, by a letter sent to the heads of embassies and representatives of international organizations working in Moldova, warns about the worsening of the climate that enables to exercise the human rights and political freedoms in Moldova and about the slipping to a repressive political regime that becomes the main opponent of the Association Agreement with the EU, IPN reports.

The leader of the PPPDA Andrei Nastase, whose election as mayor of Chisinau wasn’t validated, read the letter in a news conference on July 30. The letter says that Moldova’s Parliament on July 26 adopted in a hurry and non-transparently a law on voluntary declaration and fiscal stimulation. By this law they legalized the thefts of money from the banking system and the foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank and the money that was in time taken out of Moldova by different criminal schemes.

The politician said this law favors those with ill-gotten gains to the detriment of honest entrepreneurs. “The government returned to its old idea of legalizing earlier undeclared funds for a minor tax of 3%,” read Andrei Nastase.

He urged to freeze the foreign bank accounts of groups and persons associated with corruption and money laundering schemes in Moldova, including of the leader of the Democratic Party Vladimir Plahotniuc and his ‘acolytes’, to sequestrate the property owned by these in foreign jurisdictions and to hold them accountable in accordance with international norms and to impose penalties on those who now govern in Moldova.

According to the leader of the PPPDA, the money stolen from the country’s treasury, or at least a considerable part of this, comes from European and American funds and the foreign taxpayers should know who stole it with such impertinence.

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