Socialist MP Bogdan Țîrdea said the amnestying of the bout 170,000 Moldovans is possible also owing to the status of observer that the Republic of Moldova obtained at the Eurasian Union. He noted the fact that these citizens could come to the country in the period that coincides with the parliamentary elections does not represent interference by Russia in Moldova’s internal affairs, as the government states, IPN reports.
Bogdan Țîrdea wondered who can tell the Moldovan citizens whether to come to the country or not and who to vote for or, in general, whether to go to the polls or not. The citizens’ right to vote is violated by the decision to establish a low number of polling places in Russia. Conditions are now being created for these people to return to the country. This action by the Russian authorities cannot be interpreted as interference in the internal affairs of Moldova.
The spokesman for the Democratic Party Vitalie Gamurari said Moldova’s relations with Russia will not worsen. The bilateral relationship at the level of the Government is minimal, but the situation can be changed by negotiations. Toi move things on, both of the sides should take steps. The negotiations should not be mandatory held at political level and can be organized between ministries, departments and bodies. “Other countries that experienced even wars did so,” stated Vitalie Gamurari, adding he is not sure the Russian authorities are really ready to negotiate.
On January 1, 2019, the bans on the entry and stay in Russia for about 170,000 Moldovans are to be lifted. The announcement was made by President Igor Dodon after an official visit he paid to Russia during October 31 -November 1.