For the 8th year in a row, the torture victims are also supported in Moldova. On Thursday, the members of Amnesty International (AI) Moldova collected signatures against torture. The petitions are to be sent to leaderships of Moldova, Ukraine and şi France.
One the petitions is addressed to France, because this country will take over the EU presidency from July 1, and will be able to contribute to change the legislation. The petition meant for Ukraine requires to probe the case Eduard Furman, tortured by police to confess a series of murders. The petition addressed to the Moldovan leadership requires to reduce the pre-trial detention of persons from 72 to 24 hours.
“We did not intend to collect an exact number of signatures. The more, the better. Last year, we managed to gather over 2,000. This year we hope there will be more,” AI Moldova's executive manager, Evghenii Golosceapov, told Info-Prim Neo.
The organizers pursue to raise the awareness of the public opinion through “a drama moment”. They improvised a jail cell in Chisinau's down town, surrounded by barbed wire, in which they put an orange costume, as worn by the detainees in the maximum safety prisons in the USA.
AI is an independent and non-political organization, which appeared in Britain in 1961, and defends the fundamental human rights, stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Moldovan branch was set up in 1993.