The Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN) has three new vice presidents. They were elected at Saturday’s meeting of the party’s National Political Council. These are Natalia Ciobanu, Victor Guzun and Mihai Silistraru, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The AMN leader Serafim Urecheanu said his deputies were elected in accordance with the conditions put forward by the party’s members at the eighth congress in December last year – to be young and represent local organizations. “Practically the entire administration was changed. I count on the young people as I consider that the party should be rejuvenated and the persons with experience should work together with the young people with prospects,” Urecheanu said.
Natalia Ciobanu, 28, headed the Women’s Organization of the AMN. He is a doctor by profession and is a Mater of Public Administration. Victor Guzun, 34, was the head of the AMN’s Youth Department. He is a lecturer at the International Management Institute IMI-NOVA. Mihai Silistraru, 59, is the head of the AMN’s local organization in Ialoveni. He is an economist by profession. He will be also suggested for the post of leader of the Association of District Heads.
The new vice presidents promised they will have a responsible attitude and will help the AMN to regain its previous rating, when it was one of the leading political parties in Moldova.
The meeting also voted in 12 new members of the National Political Council, which is composed of 23 members.
According to Urecheanu, immediately after the constitution of the executive bodies, the party will start analyzing the proposals for modernizing the AMN submitted by the central administration and local members. He said he hired specialists from two U.S. institutions to help reform the party.
Asked who will head the parliamentary group of the AMN now that Veaceslav Untila left the party, Urecheanu said it will be led by Vasile Balan, who was the group’s deputy head.
“A difficult political year is coming. We do not yet know if we will have early elections, but there will definitely be local elections. We already prepare for them and are not afraid of anything,” Urecheanu said.
The meeting of the National Political Council was the first in the current composition after the AMN’s eighth congress of December 12, after which 12 members of the Council defected the party.