Allowances for graduates who will take up jobs assigned by Ministry of Culture

The young graduates of higher and vocational educational institutions will benefit from state allowances if they take up the jobs assigned to them by the Ministry of Culture during the first year after graduation. More exactly, the jobs will be provided at public institutions of culture and in structural subdivisions of the local public authorities, which perform cultural activities, in municipalities, towns and villages. The allowance will be paid during the first three years of work, IPN reports.

Under a draft Government decision, the graduates of higher educational institutions will get a lump sum of 120,000 lei. This will be paid in three equal installments. Half of the first installment will be paid after one month of work, while the second half - at the end of the first year of work. The other installments will be paid at the end of each year of work.

The graduates of technical vocational educational institutions will be paid a lump sum of 90,000 lei, also in three equal installments, according the same scheme.

The new legal provisions are to be debated and adopted by Parliament.

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