Heat will be supplied this week to all the apartment buildings, even those that have debts for heat, Mayor General Dorin Chirtoaca said in Monday’s ordinary meeting of City Hall officials, Info-Prim Neo reports.
“We will think how to help the dwellers who want to pay the bills for heat, but do not have enough money. We will probably provide compensations for heat. But there are indebted persons who have money to pay. I ask making use of different means and obtaining these payments,” said the mayor.
A number of 70 apartment buildings are now not supplied with heat because they have debts. SA Termocom director Mihail Cernei said that most of the buildings with debts for the heat supplied the previous heating season are situated in the districts of Rascani and Buiucani. 35 buildings paid up to 70% of the consumed heat, while the rest of the buildings – up to 60%. Eighty-seven private houses and 236 economic entities also have debts for heat. The debts total 120 million lei.
The indebted economic entities are not supplied with heat.
The heating charge this season for the consumers supplied with heat in a centralized way will be by 9.9% higher than the previous heating season - 987 lei per gigacalorie.