The mayor of Hâncești town Alexandru Botnari said the law enforcement agencies should treat everyone equally, including the functionaries. According to him, there are many cases when local elected officials commit embezzlement but no investigations into these cases are conducted.
In a news conference hosted by IPN, the mayor said that he has held posts for almost 20 years and dealt with many inspections conducted by state institutions. But never before did they involve special units. “Some of the political players have used such shows for years as their election campaign is not over yet. They use the held power to remove me from my post by all means,” stated Alexandru Botnari.
The mayor noted that he was elected by the people and for him the people are the most powerful party. “I hope the law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, police officers, NAC, SIS will manage to get rid of political control and will realize that the history of a country is longer than the history of a political group. Each prosecutor, police officer, investigator should serve the law and the people as each mayor serves the community, not a party,” said Alexandru Botanri.
The mayor stated that some persons who formed part of the Liberal Democratic Party as councilors committed serious violations while holding state posts. “They had contracts with the state to the value of hundreds of millions of lei not of tens of millions of lei and committed serious violations. For example, in 2015 a person held a state post at the own sewer firm in Fundul Galbenei village. The press can go and see if the people there have that sewerage system in which 12 million lei was invested. In Sofia village, rusted tanks were placed to supply water. They took almost 8 million lei but the project hasn’t been fully implemented. Or the roof of the house of culture in Mingir village of Hâncești district. The law enforcement agencies have been notified during many years. Criminal cases were started. I wonder: don’t they need to investigate those serious abuses till the end?” asked the mayor. He noted that current MPs were also notified of those cases of abuse.
Alexandru Botnari expressed his readiness to cooperate with the law enforcement agencies. According to him, no one can say that he at least once refused to provide information about the work of the Hâncești mayor’s office, about decisions that had been used to attack the mayor’s office and his colleagues.
Note: IPN News Agency gives the right of reply to persons who consider they were touched by the news items produced based on statements of the organizers of the given news conference, including by facilitating the organization of another news conference in similar conditions.