Alexandr Stoianoglo to spend 30 days under house arrest

Following a hearing that lasted nine hours, a district court today ordered 30 days of house arrest for Alexandr Stoianoglo, the suspended Prosecutor General, instead of 30 days in remand as requested by the prosecution.

Prior to this, Stoianoglo spent more than two days in detention after being arrested on Tuesday, following a three-hour search in his office.

After today’s hearing, Alexandru Stoianoglo spoke briefly to reporters, denying any wrongdoing.

As the hearing unfolded, a crowd of protesters demanded Stoianoglo’s release. A smaller group nearby asked for his sentencing.

Five Communist-Socialist lawmakers became bail guarantors for Alexandr Stoianoglo, pledging an unnamed amount of money.

The suspended Prosecutor General faces charges of abuse of office, bribery, perjury and facilitation of an organized criminal group.

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