Alexander Slusari: We won without bloodshed and this is very important

The fact that the ruling bloc formed by ACUM and the Socialist Party won the fight with the regime without shedding of blood is very important. This is the opinion of the deputy speaker of the Parliament, Alexander Slusari. According to him, there were worrying signs about what could have followed these days. The statements were made during the "Glavnîi vopros" (The main question) program on NTV Moldova, IPN reports.

"The fact that we managed to come to power peacefully in our country, granted, a couple of years later than we should have; is very important," says Alexander Slusari. In his opinion, something equally important is that the current government should follow the usual pattern that when power changes, nobody was held responsible for what happened.

Socialist MP Basil Bolea believes that the PDM government’s resignation is a temporary victory, because the hardest part is yet to come. According to him, the parliamentary majority must continue working towards the de-oligarchization of the country. In his opinion, in such situations, things should be discussed well  with civil society.

"The best thing would be that this process of de-oligarchization begins with Parliament and then continue with the government. But now we must look to the structures which have been held captive and I mean the institutions of power, justice, and human rights. Because what happened in recent days, especially the Constitutional Court's work shows that we need to work on these issues, so that state institutions are truly liberated, " mentioned the MP.

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