Albania hit by deadly earthquake. President Igor Dodon sent condolences

An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.4 shacked Albania on Tuesday, November 26, being the strongest earthquake in the country in the last 20 years. At least 15 are dead and over 600 are injured following the earthquake. The President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, sent a condolence message to his Albanian counterpart, Ilir Meta.

"In the moments of great hardship for the Albanian citizens, I send you, on behalf of the Republic of Moldova and myself, sincere words of encouragement and our feelings of deep compassion. Please send condolences to the bereaved families and wishes for speedy recovery to the injured. The Republic of Moldova expresses its solidarity with the Albanian people", said the president în his message.

Nearly two thousand rescue team members have been mobilized after the earthquake in order to rescue victims trapped under rubble in several cities, including Tirana. Several bodies were extracted from rubble in Durres, where a hotel collapsed and other buildings were badly damaged. Other bodies were discovered among the ruins in Thumane.

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