The MPs adopted in the final reading the bill to ratify the framework agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria that was signed in Geneva on March 16, 2017. Deputy Minister of Health Aliona Serbulenco said in Parliament that the new framework agreement with the Global Fund will enable Moldova to get a new grant to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS, to the value of about €7million, IPN reports.
Aliona Serbulenco noted that each eligible country is to sign an agreement with the Global Fund to have access to financing. The mechanism for accessing the money is defined in the Global Fund’s regulations. The Republic of Moldova accessed four grants provided by the Global Fund, to the value of US$40 million. The grant represents major support for combating the two diseases. “By attracting investment to control diseases, we will obtain large benefits for society and for patients with HIV/AIDS,” stated the deputy minister, adding that the money obtained from the Global Fund will be mainly used to purchase medicines, which are very expensive.
The persons with tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS now benefit from free treatment and diagnostic tests, even if they are not medically ensured.
Aliona Serbulenco said that together with the accessing of the fifth grant of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the authorities lay emphasis on the more efficient government of programs. In this connection, the national coordinators were replaced and the programs coordination capacities were strengthened.