Agreement on activity of military observers in Security Zone

In the first meeting of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) this year, the members agreed to initiate the process of working out a mechanism for monitoring the situation in the Security Zone and to optimize the activity of military observers so that, at the request of one of the senior military chiefs of the peacekeeping forces, these mandatorily travel to the scene, IPN reports, quoting a press release of Moldova’s delegation to the JCC.

“The adoption of the decision is a first step that can contribute to the unblocking of the work of the JCC, which, for reasons that do not depend on the Moldovan delegation, reached a long-lasting deadlock as no progress can be made in dealing with the problem of ensuring of free movement in the peacekeepers’ area of responsibility,” reads the press release.

Moldova’s delegation to the JCC voices hope that the Commission will start work in normal conditions in order to efficiently fulfill its duties and maintain peace and stability in the Security Zone.

Following the agreements reached in the January 12 meeting of the co-chairpersons of the Russian, Moldovan and Transnistrian delegations, the JCC started to examine the ensuring of free movement in the Security Zone by considering the earlier analyzed proposals and suggestions formulated by the representatives of Ukraine and the OSCE Mission to Moldova. Simultaneously, there were approved three reports on the situation in the Security Zone.

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