Age limit for doctoral chiefs annulled

The age limit of 65 set for the scientists who counsel persons studying for their doctorate was annulled, IPN reports.

The restriction became illegal after the Constitutional Court ruled that the provisions from points 25 and 58 of the regulations concerning the organization of higher doctoral education, which were approved by the Government last December, are unconstitutional.

By the same decision, the Court annulled the provision stipulating that the scientific mentors of the persons studying for their doctorate must have their main job at one of the institutions running doctoral schools.

The Court argued that the process of coordinating the doctoral studies, owing to the complex character of the scientific research these imply, necessitates a high level of professional training and rich experience in the area of scientific research. By the challenged provisions, the Government instituted primary norms that run counter to Article 102, par. 2 of the Constitution, which says that the Government can adopt decisions only for ensuring the implementation of laws.

The challenge to the Constitutional Court was filed by Communist MPs Artur Reshetnikov and Igor Vremea, who claimed that the setting of age limit for doctoral chiefs and the obligation to work at one of the institutions that ensure doctoral studies run counter to the principle of university autonomy that is guaranteed by Article 35, par. 6 of the Constitution and to the principle of equality stipulated in Article 16 of the supreme law.

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