AEI will have common solution to presidential crisis by end March

By the end of this month, the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) will propose a common, clear solution to the problem of electing the head of state. Related statements were made by the leaders of the three components of the ruling alliance immediately after the AEI Council’s meeting on March 18, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the presidents of the PLDM, PDM and PL, the meeting decided to create a group of jurists that will be delegated by the three component parties. The group is to agree the method and term of electing the head of state within two weeks. “The law experts will continue to work. They will propose not only purely political solutions, but solutions with clear legal coverage. We hope to have a solution to the presidential crisis by the end of this month,” said the leader of the PLDM Vlad Filat. According to the head of the PDM Marian Lupu, the working group may include experts of the parliamentary legal commission. The leaders of the AEI said that the discussions also centered on the draft state budget law, draft social insurance budget, draft health insurance budget and the budgetary fiscal policy. They stated that all the laws concerning the state financial policy will be passed in Parliament in last reading by March 31. The presidents of the PLDM, PDM and PL announced that the local general elections will take place early in June. They said that they could not yet reach a compromise as regards the appointment of deputy ministers. Vlad Filat said he considers that the deputy ministers should be designated according to the principle of professionalism, while the leader of the PL Mihai Ghimpu pleads for the principle of continuity. The three leaders assured that they will reach a common stance on the issue by March 21, when a new meeting of the AEI Council may be held.

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