Adviser to Moldovagaz president is involved in serious crimes, former SIS employee

“Yevgeny Kuzmin, former SIS officer and current adviser to the president of Moldovagaz, is involved in serious crimes, such as the illegal management of a network of Telegram channels that are used to distribute fake news, information that represents state secret, insults, calumnies and campaigns to denigrate sand discredit public figures and politicians of the Republic of Moldova,” colonel in reserve Alexei Serebreanschi, former foreign espionage chief of the Security and Intelligent Service (SIS), stated at a press conference hosted by IPN.

According to Alexei Serebreanschi, Yevgeny Kuzmin is “the main instrument of an organized criminal group”. The group consists of high-ranking active officer of the SIS, journalists, bloggers, opinion leaders and other persons who are active in the public sphere.

“On January 3 this year, I informed the presidents of Moldovagaz by an official letter about the crimes committed by his adviser Yevgeny Kuzmin. I officially informed Mister Ceban that his adviser on Telegram channels publishes strictly confidential information about SIS operations, makes known the identity of SIS officers and writes calumnious and denigrating messages about politicians, public figures, foreign diplomats residing in Chisinau, national minorities, asking him to take a clear attitude to the criminal activities of his adviser. A question appears here, is Mister Vadim Ceban co-participant, the one who orders or is personally involved in those crimes?” asked Alexei Serebeanschi.

The colonel in reserve noted that Vadim Ceban ignored the letter. “So far, I haven’t received an answer from the head of Moldovagaz. On February 18 this year, in 30 days of my official request, I contacted by phone the person dealing with my application at Moldovagaz, Mister Radu Mandraburcă, head of the Legal Division of Moldovagaz, who told me: “Don ‘t wait for an answer... Moldovagaz is not obliged to respond...!” stated Alexei Serebreanschi.

In this connection, he made an official request to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases to hold accountable Vadim Ceban, the president of Moldovagaz, for co-participation in the crime as Vadim Ceban was repeatedly informed about the crimes committed by his adviser Yevgeny Kuzmin and the lack of reaction shows Vadim Ceban could be the co-organizer of these crimes.

Note: IPN News Agency gives the right of reply to persons who consider they were touched by the news items produced based on statements of the organizers of the given news conference, including by facilitating the organization of another news conference in similar conditions.

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