Administration boards will be set up in all the general education institutions of Moldova. These bodies will take part in the process of making decisions that refer to the school’s work. The Ministry of Education announced that the creation of the boards is envisioned in the Education Code. Their activity will be regulated by the draft framework organization and functioning regulations that will be proposed for public debates, IPN reports.
The administration board will consist of the education institution’s director, a deputy director, two teachers, a representative of the local public administration, three parents and a student. It will be chaired by another person than the director or deputy director so as to ensure a balance between the representatives of the school and the beneficiaries of the education process.
The board will take part in the management of financial resources, the assessment of the program, the director and the teaching staff. It is the only entity empowered by the law to manage the financial resources coming from other sources than the budgetary ones, ensuring transparency in using them.
The regulations on the organization and functioning of the administration boards will take effect after they are approved by order of the minister of education. The final variant of the document will include the proposals of the academic community and of the parents and students.