Additional road repair taxes may be levied in Chisinau

The Chisinau administration intends to institute an additional road repair tax that is to be paid by drivers. According to Mayor of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca, only this way will the municipal authorities be able to collect money to fully repair the streets, Info-Prim Neo reports. “As far as I know, the drivers are ready to pay higher road tolls. If a municipal road fund is set up, we will be able to increase the incomes that could be used as investment from 40 million lei to 120 million lei or even more. Thus, many streets would be completely repaired with our own money, not loans,” said the mayor. Dorin Chirtoaca voiced hope that the drivers will back this initiative. “I understood the people consider that we’d better have good roads than paying for car repair,” he said. According to the local authorities, about 5 billion lei is needed to rehabilitate the roads in Chisinau.

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