More than 7,000 hectares of forests in Chisinau, Nisporeni, Orhei, Razeni and Straseni will be sprayed with insecticides between April 20 and May 1. Specialists of “Moldsilva” Forestry Agency warn the owners of bees and domestic animals to take measures to restrict the access of these to forests in the period.
Head of the Agency’s press service Viorica Caciuc has told IPN that the schedule of spraying works is coordinated with the local public authorities. The population is informed about the risks that can appear in the period. The used insecticides are not dangerous for people and can be found in the State Register of Phytosanitary Products and Fertilizers.
Viorica Caciuc said these substances can affect the animals and bees. “For greater safety, the animals and bee families should be closed, while the recommendation for people is not to be in the given areas during air spraying,” she stated. The people are also urged not to pick up mushrooms in the period.
According to the data of “Moldsilva”, more than 43,000 hectares of forests are affected by pests. Of these, about 10,000 hectares represent hotbeds than necessitate protection measures.