Activities devoted to Japanese culture and civilization to be staged in Chisinau and Cahul

The Embassy of Japan in Moldova and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, in partnership with the National Library, are organizing a series of activities devoted to the Japanese culture and civilization entitled “Japan as the Land of the Rising Sun”, IPN reports.

In Chisinau, the events will take place at the National Library on June 19, starting at 11am. There will be mounted an exhibition-event “Japan as the country of culture and civilization in the colors of spring” and an exhibition of floral arrangements in Japanese style “Ikebana is the art full of symbols”. There will also be held a recital of haiku poems and a conference entitled “Libraries and librarians. Interesting experiences for the Republic of Moldova”.

The same events will be staged at the District Public Library “Andrei Ciurunga” in Cahul on June 20, starting at 12 noon.

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