Activists challenge method of organizing employment contests at Chisinau City Hall

A group of activists submitted a challenge to the Chisinau City Hall concerning the method of organizing contests for filling the posts of division heads, IPN reports.

According to Ala Revenko, head of the public organization “Solitary Patents”, the method of dismissing division heads by acting mayor general Silvia Radu, who demands that the employees should tender resignations, runs counter to the Labor Code, while the conditions stipulated in the announcements about the holding of public employment contests are preferential. “We consider these were designed for particular candidates prepared by the City Hall,” stated Ala Revenko. The activists also expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that when the division heads are dismissed, the work done by them is not examined.

Vasile Fotescu, president of the Amateur Cyclists Club of the Republic of Moldova, said the holding of a master’s degree in public administration or management for the post of heads of particular divisions is a nonconforming condition. Also, the replacement of the records of punishment with an own responsibility statement is a violation.

“We want the functionaries who will get particular posts not to be named to these based on criteria known by them only. We do not want particular sponsors of a party that is now ruling to be named as division heads or heads of municipal enterprises,” said Sergiu Ungureanu, chairman of the public organization Welfare.

The three representatives of civil society said they will also submit applications to take part in the contests to fill public posts at the City Hall so as to this way monitor the way in which the contests are staged.

  • ala revenco despre demisia sefilor de la primarie.mp3
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