ACC: Quality of drinking water is tested daily at over 25 parameters

The quality of drinking water is tested daily at over 25 physical-chemical and bacteriological parameters before this is pumped through the distribution network of Chisinau municipality. The tests are done through the agency of two labs, namely the Laboratory of the Nistru Water Station in Vadul lui Voda town and the Drinking Water Lab of Chisinau municipality, which were accredited in accordance with the international standards, IPN reports.

In a press release, SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau” (ACC) says that the quality of water in the public water supply system is checked monthly for all the parameters indicated in the legislation and in accordance with the timetables for taking samples and carrying our lab examinations, which were approved by the Chisinau Public Health Center.

According to ACC, more than 23,000 samples were taken in July. There were performed over 51,000 physical-chemical examinations and more than 4,000 bacteriological tests.

The supplier reiterates the importance of consumers informing about irregularities identified in the centralized water supply and sewerage system so as to take the necessary measures.

The results of the physical-chemical and bacteriological examinations of drinking water in the centralized water supply system are quarterly published on the company’s website


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