ACC employees weld manhole covers

“Apa-Canal Chisinau” (ACC) employees started welding the manhole covers on several of the capital’s streets. They are accompanied by MoI’s bomb squad and officers from the State Protection and Guard Service. The welding procedures are a measure of security related to German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit, reports Info-Prim Neo. Nicolae Racu, head of ACC’s manhole management department, told the press that workers have started the works early in the morning, on the Dacia Blvd, starting with the Chisinau International Airport and working their way towards the central district. According to data from the ACC dispatcher, about 200 manhole covers will be welded, but there is a possibility for the estimate to rise further. Nicolae Racu mentioned that initially the workers lift the manhole covers. The manholes are then inspected by bomb squad members, then by State Protection and Guard servicemen, after which the manhole covers are welded. The expenses will be entirely covered by the “Apa-Canal Chisinau” administration, but they have not been estimated yet. Angela Merkel arrives in Chisinau on Wednesday, August 22, joined by a delegation of about 50 people. The Chancellor will all of the country’s leaders, and will give a speech at the Republican Palace. Around 2,000 policemen will secure public order on that day.

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