The municipal councilors responsible for the accumulation of a deficit of 11 million lei in the budget of SA Apa-Canal Chisinau could be held accountable by court. Under the Civil Code, they can be obliged to pay the value of the damage caused, the Mayor General of Chisinau Dorin Chirtoaca said. “It is easy to raise the hand and vote without bearing responsibility,” he said at Monday’s meeting of the municipal services and divisions, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Chirtoaca made the statements after the ACC director Constantin Becciev announced that the water supplier sued the Chisinau Municipal Council (CMC) to court for causing damage of 11 million lei to it. The deficit appeared after the Communist councilors and their allies in the CMC insisted that the tariff on the heat supplied by the three thermoelectric plants of ACC remain at the level of 233 lei/Gcal, while SA Termocom supplies heat at the price of 540 lei/Gcal.
Becciev said that the three thermoelectric plants started the heating season 24 hours later because Moldovagaz sealed up two of them owing to debts. The third plant located in Codru town worked, but the privatized dwelling owners associations did not want then to be connected to the heat supply.
ACC settled its debts to SA Moldovagaz, not yet to Union Fenosa Group, to which it owes 6 million lei. Becciev said that immediate measures are being taken to clear the debts to the electric power supplier by Tuesday.
The three thermoelectric plants of ACC supply heat to 121 facilities and buildings, including 64 apartment buildings.