Academy of Romanian Scientists opens branch in Chisinau

The Academy of Romanian Scientists has inaugurated a branch in Chisinau. This is the ninth branch, alongside those located in Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta, Cluj-Napoca and other cities. The presence of Moldovan scientists in the composition of the Academy of Romanian Scientists (as in the composition of the Romanian Academy of Sciences) is a proof of the recognition of the prestige of the scientific activity of the researchers from Chisinau and of the strengthening of the relations of cooperation in science between Chisinau and Bucharest, IPN reports.

According to a press release of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, the opening of the branch became possible owing to the plenary involvement of the Moldovan scientists in the work of this prestigious forum of the Romanian science. Academician and politician Ion Dediu, who is a titular member and co-founder of the Academy, was elected president of the Academy of Romanian Scientists’ Branch in Chisinau. Currently, the branch includes seven famous researches from Moldova, namely academicians Ion Tighineanu, Boris Gaină, Gheorghe Ghidirim, Gheorghe Cimpoies, and Ion Dediu, and professors Anatol Petrencu and Victor Moraru.

The Academy of Romanian Scientists forms part of the Academic System of Romania, being a ring of the academic structure placed between the Romanian Academy and the field academies, cooperating with these. This year, the Academy celebrated the 80th anniversary of its creation. Its foundations were laid in the interwar period, when the Romanian Academy of Sciences was set up (1936-1948).

Among the current members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists are 11 members of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, including the president of the Romanian Academy, academician Ionel Valentin Vlad; vice president of the Romanian Academy, academician Alexandru Surdu; vice president of the Romanian Academy, academician Dinu C. Giurescu, and academician Razvan Theodorescu. Eight laureates of the Nobel Prize had been members of the Academy of Romanian Scientists in time.

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