Approximately 800 members of the local organizations of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) in Chisinau’s Ciocana and Botanica districts and in Gratiesti village joined the Political Movement “Democratic Alternative Platform”. The reason invoked is that the PLDM did not promote the valuable persons who worked for this party on the lists for the local elections, Info-Prim Neo reports.
In a news conference on Saturday, Ion Filimon, former member of the PLDM’s local organization in Gratiesti, said about 80 persons of their team joined the movement. “We decided to constitute an initiative group that wants changes in the community. We know that our decision will surprise some of our colleagues, but we want to be understood correctly. During the election campaigns, we were the group that worked to promote the PLDM. We were not in favor of positions, but of the democratic principles of the PLDM. However, the lists of candidates included persons whom we don’t know and who have never formed part of our team,” said Ion Filimon, adding the posts were occupied by those who paid more.
Pavel Rosca, former member of the PLDM’s local organization in Ciocana, said he left the party because the leadership promoted persons according to interests. “We were loyal, but they weren’t loyal to us. I headed the local organization and worked hard. Before the elections, there was elected another chairperson because the administration pursued certain goals,” said Pavel Rosca. According to him, over 600 members of the PLDM joined the “Democratic Alternative Platform”.
Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, Liberal-Democrat MP Tudor Deliu said the persons who announced their withdrawal from the party have been in fact excluded long ago. “I did not see persons with weight in the PLDM among them. We ‘cleaned’ the party and now they consider themselves heroes of the nation,” he stated.
Mihai Godea launched the Political Movement “Democratic Alternative Platform” on June 23. He said the Liberal democracy promoted by most of the parties that came to power turned out to be only a myth used in election campaigns, while the reformation of society continues to be a necessity acknowledged by the ordinary people.