About 600 benches installed in yards of blocks in Chisinau this year

The General Public Amenities Division of Chisinau in the course of 2018 set up 600 benches in yards of apartment buildings in the capital city. A sum of 1.8 million lei was allocated for the purpose, but only 1.4  million lei was used. Paving, poles and an access sidewalk for persons with locomotor disabilities were put up in the square of Chekov Theater at a cost of 280,000 lei, the Division’s head Ion Burdiumov stated in the December 17 meeting of officials of Chisinau services and divisions when presenting the report for 2018, IPN reports.

Ion Burdiumov noted that about 400 road sweepers are daily involved in manual cleanup works in public areas. The given activities are supported by a budget of 13.9 million lei. Fifteen Hako vehicles are used to clean up the public areas in a mechanized way and 8.8 million lei was allocated for the purpose. A center for sterilizing animals without a master has been built this year at a cost of 1 million lei. There were put up 30 cages and the center was provided with medicines, food and utensils.

Five tractors with pusher blades, front-end loaders and trailers were bought at the price of 3.5 million lei. There were also purchased five pieces of equipment for spreading anti-icing substances at a cost of 500,000 lei and five leaf vacuum machines from a budget of 600,000 lei. A sum of 1.1 million lei was used to disinfect basements of apartment buildings.

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