About 5,700 heart surgeries performed with CNAM funds last year

Approximately 5,700 persons benefited from cardiac surgery financed with mandatory health insurance funds in 2022. The National Health Insurance Company (CNAM) allocated over 294 million lei for the purpose, by 48 million lei more than in 2021, IPN reports.

More than 4,000 operations were minimally invasive surgeries for myocardial infarction in adults, 84 - minimally invasive surgeries in children with congenital disorders, while over 1,600 – other types of heart surgery.

The cost of a case treated within the special cardiovascular surgery programs varied from about 41,000 lei to 206,000 lei per minimally invasive surgery in adults. This cost is calculated depending on the used costly consumables and the costs associated with treatment according to medical standards and clinical protocols.

Last year, 15 persons with heart conditions benefitted from minimally invasive surgery to have the aortic valve replaced as part of the special program “Interventional Cardiology”. Over 3 million lei was allocated from the mandatory health insurance funds for these operations, the average cost of a treated case exceeding 206,000 lei.

About 373 million lei was earmarked in 2023 for performing cardiovascular surgeries.

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