About 400 workers daily clean up Chisinau

Approximately 400 workers are daily involved in manual cleanup works in Chisinau. They clean up public spaces, courtyards of apartment buildings, including playgrounds and sports fields, household waste collection platforms, and public transport waiting stations, and empty garbage cans, IPN reports.

In the ordinary meeting of officials of municipal services, Ion Burdiumov, head of the General Housing and Amenities Division, said that, in parallel with the manual cleanup works, the mechanized cleaning of the main and secondary arteries and of sidewalks is carried out with the help of "Hako" machines and vacuum cleaners attached to tractors. About 20 machines are daily engaged in these works.

Up to 30 means of transport were made available for the disposal of vegetable waste.

Also, works to take away unauthorized kiosks, gates, fences and anti-parking devices on public lots, and to dismantle and collect used metal elements from playgrounds were executed last week.

Over a week, 207 truck routes were organized to take away construction waste, dry leaves and branches.

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