About 1.015m lei collected in Government’s bank account for flood victims
About 1.015 million lei has been collected in the account specially opened by the authorities to raise funds for building houses for flood victims, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the Ministry of Construction and Territorial Development.
The plots of land on which the houses and other facilities affected by floods will be built have been already identified. Geological studies are being carried out and urbanity plans that include the constructions that will be built are being drawn up.
Orange Moldova SA donated 1 million lei, while ProConImpex SRL - 15,000 lei.
So far, the economic entities have purchased 35 houses for the families affected by floods.
According to the latest reports, 454 houses have been flooded in Moldova overall. Out of these, 287 have been seriously damaged and must be rebuilt.
The data about the inundated houses are updated daily, according to the information provided by the assessment groups working in the flooded areas.