A new party joins the "Impreuna" Bloc

The "Impreuna" (Together) Bloc is expanding with the accession of the Ecologist Green Party of the Republic of Moldova, IPN reports.

Members of the bloc have also issued a statement calling on mayors, local elected officials, professionals from all fields, prominent figures, and citizens across the country to join the bloc.

Through this statement, the bloc’s leaders reiterated their commitment to participating in the 2025 parliamentary elections.

"From this day forward, we are entering a continuous work regime to prepare for the parliamentary elections, develop the political program, and form the government of the 'Impreuna' Bloc," the statement reads.

Founded in April 2024, the "Impreuna" Bloc describes itself as a pro-European political alliance. Following the withdrawal of the Coalition for Unity and Prosperity, the bloc now consists of the Dignity and Truth Platform, the Party of Change, and the League of Cities and Communes.

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