A man was arrested for attempted murder in Buiucani fire case

A 60-year-old man was detained for 72 hours for attempted murder in the case of a fire on Ion Pelivan Street, IPN reports.

According to the press officer of the capital’s Police, Natalia Stati, following the investigations, the police established that the fire started at the ground floor, where there were several baby carriages, which were actually set on fire.

In this case, a criminal investigation was initiated. The detained suspect is in the temporary detention solitary of the police directorate. The man lives in the same block.

Five people, including two minors, suffered burns and carbon monoxide poisoning after a fire broke out Thursday night in a hostel on Ion Pelivan street. 70 people were evacuated by firefighters, while three people, who were trapped on the third floor, were evacuated by auto ladder.


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