94 district schools will be rehabilitated starting with this year

The rehabilitation of 94 district schools will start this year. When the works are finished, the institutions will have modern classes with access to the Internet, Prime Minister Vlad Filat said when presenting the Government’s priorities before teachers and students of the Academy of Economic Studies (ASEM), Info-Prim Neo reports. According to the Premier, a new education development strategy, until 2020, will be approved in 2013. It will define the development course in education in the period and changes that will made in the education sector and will contain projects to rehabilitate the infrastructure and implement information technology in schools and universities. There will be approved a new Education Code that will offer legal instruments for implementing the Government’s view on the education process, which will be stated in the strategy, said Vlad Filat. ”In 2013, there will be implemented a number of measures aimed at building an objective system for assessing the performance of students and education institutions with a few to combating illegalities in exams. There will be created an Agency for Assessing the Quality and Accrediting Higher and Vocational Education Institutions,” stated Vlad Filat As regards the Baccalaureate exams, the Premier said that what happened last year can be described only as a great shame. “This year, we will use another method of organizing the Baccalaureate exams,” said Vlad Filat. He specified that the monitoring and control system will be digitized.

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