73 of 89 persons confirmed with COVID-19 in Brânzeni are beneficiaries of local placement center

A number of 89 infections with COVID-19 were confirmed in Brânzeni village of Edineţ district that was placed in quarantine on April 20. Of those who contracted the virus there, 73 are beneficiaries of the local temporary placement center for adults with mental disabilities. The information was presented after the April 21 meeting of the National Focal Point, IPN reports.

Aliona Pistruga, of the Edineţ Public Health Center, said the first tests for COVID-19 in persons from the village were performed on April 8. All the 231 beneficiaries of the center were tested and 73 of them were confirmed with COVID-19 and have been treated at the Bălți Psychiatry Hospital. Their state of health is satisfactory.

Aliona Pistruga also said that all the 145 medical workers of the center were also tested and the results will be made public today. There are employees who work both at the placement center and at the Health Center of Brânzeni.

Together with the quarantine, the access to the village was restricted. Only the emergency services have access. The police do not allow locals to go out of the house without an urgent need and to contact with each other. The streets are periodically disinfected.

A state of emergency was declared in Moldova until May 15. As many as 2,548 persons had been confirmed with COVID-19 in Moldova by April 20. The death toll from the novel coronavirus now stands at 70 died.

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