7 pieces by Eugen Doga from “Gipsy Camp” film to be used in new TV series on “Acasa” TV channel
Known to the Romanian audience especially by the soundtrack in the “Maria Mirabela” and “Gipsy Camp” movies, composer Eugen Doga has signed a contract with MediaProPictures, who bought the right to use seven of the most popular pieces from the “Gipsy Camp” film.
The melodies will be used in the 6th TV series shot by MediaPro for the Romanian TV channel “Acasa”, it being a love story about a forbidden love and 2 different worlds – the Romanian one and the Gipsy one.
This genuine plot which hasn’t been tackled by a local production to such a great extent before will benefit also from a great soundtrack. So, starting this autumn, the Romanian TV public will enjoy in the new TV series showed by “Acasa”, the following pieces: “Prologue”, “The Road”, “The Apple Tree”, “I’ve got no skirt”, “The Meeting”, “Malearkita” and “The End”, two of them being used as main titles (in the beginning and in the end), and will be remixed, analysed and performed by singer Loredana Groza. The other 5 pieces will represent the music picture of the TV series.
Eugen Doga was very pleased with this project referring to it as “being a beautiful story which we all hold in our hearts, a story deserving to be revealed”. In the first day of his 2 day visit to Romania, the composer visited the MediaPro studios in Buftea, and on this occasion he met his countryman, Iura Luncasu, the film’s director.
The film director was impressed by this meeting; especially that he knew Eugen Doga and admired his music creations. “All started from a dream. I was wishing for this beautiful and expressive music as I found it the most suitable. When I found out that it’s possible to have it and that Eugen Doga was pleased with our project and cooperation, I was very happy. I was honoured to meet him, to learn how he actually composed the pieces, and the meeting itself was but a revelation. I’ve met an extraordinary man, who does everything with passion”, Iura Luncasu said.