The Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) during 27 years declared about 61,000 people as victims of political repression. These are persons who were subject to different abuses. In 2015 the prosecutors drew up rehabilitation applications for about 300 people, IPN reports.
In a press release, the PGO says that 19 persons who found refuge abroad and children born in repression places were declared victims of political repressions and rehabilitated last year.
The prosecutors also asked the Supreme Court of Justice to annul and quash court decisions with regard to 61 persons, who were declared victims of political repression, and to drop criminal cases and rehabilitate convicts.
Under the legislation, the application for rehabilitation is submitted by persons who were: subject to repression based on decisions by judiciary or extra-judiciary bodies; convicted for not paying taxes or not fulfilling the wheat harvesting plan; admitted to psychiatric hospitals for forced treatment for political, national, religious or social reasons, based on decisions by state judiciary or extra-judiciary bodies; admitted to Soviet concentration or filtering camps; convicted for avoiding being enrolled in the Red Army for political or religious reasons, and those who were convicted for taking part in public events for obtaining Moldova’s sovereignty and independence.