About 600 persons were cheated by a group of swindlers from Chisinau, who offered them apartments for socially deprived persons at lower prices. Those interested in the offer were convinced to fill out a form for which the applicants paid by 53 lei. Thus, the swindlers managed to collect over 30,000 lei from people persuaded to buy inexistent apartments, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Prosecutor Alexandru Nichita, head of the Financial-Economic Division of the Prosecutor General’s Office, told a news conference that the criminal case was opened over swindle committed by decision makers of the public association “Social Development Center”.
The case was started following a notification from the State Main Tax Inspectorate. The prosecutor said the information about the initiation of the project to build social homes at lower prices appeared in the media in 2010. During investigations, it was established that the Social Development Center does not have homebuilding projects and plots for construction and illegally collected 30 104 lei from 568 persons.
The investigation is conducted by the Prosecutor’s Office of Buiucani district.