Hundreds of students from Balti have visited over 5,000 book titles at the Salon of Books for Children and Youth organized for the second year in the northern capital. They have met with the writers Vasile Romanciuc, Iulian Filip, Claudia Partole, Gheorghe Calamanciuc, Titus Stirbu and took autographs from them. During the two days of the salon, over 30 titles of books for children were launched, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Each child from the primary school got as present the book “Three Bears” by Robert Southey, with drawings by Lica Sainciuc. The children designated the writer Claudia Partole as the winner of the Children's Sympathy Prize.
Organizing the Children Book Salon in Balti is part of the National Project “Towards culture and civilization through reading”. The organizers have also prepared a book donation for the Balti school libraries, worth 10,000 lei.
According to the organizers, the project is reasoned by the fact that the public and school libraries, the main book source for the population, have obsolete book funds.