50 Chisinau apartments sequestrated because of debts for water

Fifty apartments in Chisinau whose owners accumulated considerable debts for water were sequestrated by bailiffs. As many as 250 notices were issued to bad payers for settling debts of about 10 million lei, IPN reports.

According to a communiqué from the public utility SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau”, 13 reports on the fining of persons who create impediments to implementing court decisions were submitted to court in August.

Last month the bailiffs sequestrated and seized two vehicles. In the first case, the owner of the car was a company that had a debt of 18,000 lei to SA “Apa-Canal Chisinau”. The company cleared the debt in only half an hour. In the second case, the owner of the car had a debt of about 8,500 lei, which was settled in several days.

Another end-user was given 10 days to pay the debt. Otherwise, his car will be auctioned off so as to recover the debt. The rest of the money will be paid back to the owner through the bailiff. 

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